BMW CAS Test Platform canfast check CAS (CAS2/ CAS3) and key workingor not withoutconnectingto BMW, it works with BMW new and old modelsincluding: BMW 1series,3 series, 5 series, X5 and X6. BMW CAS TestPlatform is very suitable for repairman and training material.
1. Connect and test BMW CAS3
2. Connect and test BMW CAS2
3. Note: the red cable of CAS2 / CAS3 should be plugged into the first pin of socket.
4.After the 12V power is connected, the power light ON and the LEDlightof the CAS test platform will continuously fast flash once asecond,it indicates the CAS CPU work well, if the LED light not ON, itindicates CAS is abnormal and need to repair or change.
5.Insert BMW key into CAS test platform mainframe and you will hearbuzzer and see the CAS power adapter green indicator ON, it indicatesthe key and the CAS work well; otherwise it indicates the key is brokenor the key doesn't program successfully.

Additional Note:
After BMW CAS test platformis connected with the full-new CAS3, theLED light will not ON, onlyafter the EEPROM data is written into canthe LED light on.
Additional information: BMW CAS Maintenance Tips:
ConnectBMW CAS test platform to CAS, and after connected with thepower, theLED light on or not will help judge the where the fault is.
Tip 1: Afterconnected to the power, the CAS testplatform LED light on for a longtime, it indicates the CPU FLASH dataloss, advice you write into theFLASH data from another BMW model of thesame year.
Tip 2:After connected to the power, the CAS testplatform LED light not ON,it indicates the CPU FLASH data is lockedcaused by the unstableprogrammer when writing data, you need to editEEPROM data.
Tip 3: The CAS3 is broken when programming and can'tstart the car, then use BMW CAS TestPlatform to connect CAS, afterconnected to the power if the LEDlighton for a long time, it indicatesthe FLASH data missing andEEPROMdata is locked.