Immo Tool is a software kit which enables the repair and coding of engine ECUs and immobilisers. The main aim of the
IMMO TOOL manufactureris to simplify and automate the process of matching and programmingsecond hand engine ECUs and immobilisers, making it possible to reusethem. Generally, we can say that Immo Tool is a set of solutionsgathered together in one big software application.
2. How is THE JOB done?
IMMO TOOL works on files so you need several programmers to read and write the devices you work with. Working with the software involves:
1).choosing the car type and ECU type (this involves coding algorithm of the immo entries)
2). loading the right file
3). starting the program
4). saving the modified file or loading the decoded PIN or VIN codes
5). programming the target system with the modified file
Afile which has been properly modified and loaded to ECU memory makes itpossible to activate a second hand ECU to start in a new environment /new car. It can be assumed (with just a few exceptions) that themodified ECU will work just like its brand new equivalent ready forcoding / self coding. In some cases the new ECU will work without thecoding function enabling to test the car engine with a damaged Immodevice or even without any immo devices.
3. What do you need to start work with Immo Tool?
Thesoftware works on files and reading of the memory contents is yourproblem. Sometimes it is possible via diagnosis but in most cases youwould have to take the ECU out of the car and read the contents of thememory. In our opinion you need:
1). universal programmer able to read / write Eprom and flash memories
2). universal programmer able to read / write serial memories (SPI, I2C, uWire)
3). several Motorola programmers (HC 908, 912, 05, 11) Texas Instruments Microcontroller programmers (TMS370, TMS374)
4). other programmers (strange hybrid from Opel, Fiat)
5). a tool that can read the contents of ECU via diagnosis line would be of a great advantage
Aftermodifying the memory contents it would be nice to test the ECU on deskby emulating the camshaft / crankshaft sensor signals. Take a look atour PG07 sensor emulator.