B MW ISIS ICOM A2 B C diagnostic scanner With Dell630 Laptop
Attention : Wiring digram only can be got in English .
ISID (ISTA/D)for diagnostic , Latest version V2.37.10
ISSS(ISTA/P) for coding and programming , Latest Version is V49.4.200
We offer Many kinds for this bmw icom , you can choose the one you need:
1. Without software, only NEW Hardware 799USD
2. ICOM A2 with IBM T61 HDD,ISTA/D2.37.12 ISTA/P 49.4.200 899USD
3. ICOM A2 with IBM T61 HDD,ISTA/D 2.37.12 ISTA/P 49.4.200 899USD
4. ICOM A2 with IBM T61 HDD,ISTA/D2.37.12 ISTA/P 49.4.200 899USD
5. ICOM A2 with IBM T61 HDD,ISTA/D 2.37.12 ISTA/P 49.4.200 899USD
6. ICOM A2 with IBM T61 Laptop , Software Preinstalled, ISTA/D 2.37.12 ISTA/P 49.4.200 1459USD
7. ICOM A2 with IBM X61 Laptop, Software Preinstalled, ISTA/D 2.37.12ISTA/P 49.4.200 1449USD
8. ICOM A2 with Dell D630 Laptop, Software Preinstalled , ISTA/D 2.37.12 ISTA/P 49.4.200 1399USD
9. ICOM A2 with Dell E6420 Laptop, software preinstalled, ISTA/D 2.37.12 ISTA/P 49.4.200 1899USD
1.Requirements of the laptops for mobile HDD (ISID V2.30 ISSS V2.46.1)or Internal HDD :
Make sure your laptop CPU at least I3, the best is I5 , and the RAM should be 4G orabove , then it can the software can run in normal speed , if yourlaptop can not meet this , the software will be not able to run.
2. Dell D630 Laptop/IBM X61T laptop/IBM T61 Laptop/ Dell E6420 laptop we offer :
Dell D630 laptop: 4G RAM , T7500CPU, Refurbished
IBM T61 laptop: 4G RAM , T7500CPU, Refurbished
Lenovo X61 Touch screen laptop: 4G RAM , T7500CPU,